When to Replace Your Timing Belt

Your timing belt is a very important and often overlooked part of your engine. Without a properly functioning belt, your engine will simply fail to run. Our auto body shop in Seattle can check up on your belt as part of your regular maintenance, but you may occasionally need to replace this belt ahead of schedule. Be on the lookout for the following signs that your belt is in need of a change:

  • Problems Starting: If you have trouble starting up your engine, the timing belt may be to blame.
  • Excess Emissions: When your belt falls out of synchronization, the problem may manifest in your exhaust valve. This leads to excessive exhaust emissions in your exhaust pipe.
  • Overheating and Leaking: If your engine has been prone to overheating or fluid leaks, these may be inflicting damage on your timing belt. You’ll want to fix whatever is causing your overheating or leaking problems, and then check to make sure your belt is holding up.
  • Abrupt Changes in Noise: Sometimes you may notice that your car’s engine isn’t making the same sound it usually makes. This can be caused by a faulty belt.


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